Is Gambling A Sin Yes Or No


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  1. Is Gambling A Sin Catholic
  2. Why Gambling Is A Sin
  3. Is Casino Gambling Sin Got Questions
  4. Is Casino Gambling A Sin
  5. Gambling Is A Sin

The main reason we don’t classify gambling as sin is that we don’t have the right to label something sinful if the Bible doesn’t. Gambling was well known in Bible times and a widespread obsession in ancient Rome, yet God’s Word contains no prohibition of the practice. Is it a sin to gamble? There's not an easy or instantly-obvious prooftext answer to that question. If you are looking for a 'Thus saith the Lord: Thou shalt not gamble,' you won't find it anywhere. Gambling Is A Sin! Unreasonable (a needful MP3 sermon by Brother Lester Roloff More MP3 sermons) 'No one in the history of mankind has ever developed or operated a casino out of a burning desire to improve the lot of humanity.' Mar 13, 2015  Is Gambling a Sin? Posted on Mar 13, 2015 0 comments. Question submitted to “ Ask the Rabbi ” by: Name: Leanne. City: Pompano Beach, Florida. Full Question: “Can you please tell me if gambling is a sin. I like to play bingo and sometimes the slots. I now have a greater understanding of the whole Torah, but I cannot find the answer to. Decision Making: What to do When the Bible doesn't Specifically Say YES or NO! We all have those times when we are faced with circumstances that require us to make a tough choice. Prayerfully we seek God in prayer and His word to guide our decisions and with much confidence know that the word of God is a great source of truth and instruction.

Jul 03, 2013  A little farther south is the new Vee Quiva Hotel & Casino, a massive, Vegas-inspired complex that adds a whopping dose of flash to a community where some neighborhoods are still dotted with farmland. The new complex will help Vee Quiva compete with other Arizona casinos, which aim to cater to gamblers’ changing tastes, casino officials say. Vee Quiva Hotel & Casino, a 70,000-square-foot property featuring world-class gaming and extraordinary dining, hosts a Grand Opening on July 2. Vee quiva casino grand opening.

Question: 'Is gambling a sin? What does the Bible say about gambling?'
The Bible does not specifically condemn gambling, betting, or the lottery. The Bible does warn us, however, to stay away from the love of money (1 Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13:5). Scripture also encourages us to stay away from attempts to “get rich quick” (Proverbs 13:11; 23:5; Ecclesiastes 5:10). Gambling most definitely is focused on the love of money and undeniably tempts people with the promise of quick and easy riches.
What is wrong with gambling? Gambling is a difficult issue because if it is done in moderation and only on occasion, it is a waste of money, but it is not necessarily evil. People waste money on all sorts of activities. Gambling is no more or less of a waste of money than seeing a movie (in many cases), eating an unnecessarily expensive meal, or purchasing a worthless item. At the same time, the fact that money is wasted on other things does not justify gambling. Money should not be wasted. Excess money should be saved for future needs or given to the Lord’s work, not gambled away.
While the Bible does not explicitly mention gambling, it does mention events of “luck” or “chance.” As an example, casting lots is used in Leviticus to choose between the sacrificial goat and the scapegoat. Joshua cast lots to determine the allotment of land to the various tribes. Nehemiah cast lots to determine who would live inside the walls of Jerusalem. The apostles cast lots to determine the replacement for Judas. Proverbs 16:33 says, “The lot is cast in the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.”
What would the Bible say about casinos and lotteries? Casinos use all sorts of marketing schemes to entice gamblers to risk as much money as possible. They often offer inexpensive or even free alcohol, which encourages drunkenness, and thereby a decreased ability to make wise decisions. Everything in a casino is perfectly rigged for taking money in large sums and giving nothing in return, except for fleeting and empty pleasures. Lotteries attempt to portray themselves as a way to fund education and/or social programs. However, studies show that lottery participants are usually those who can least afford to be spending money on lottery tickets. The allure of “getting rich quick” is too great a temptation to resist for those who are desperate. The chances of winning are infinitesimal, which results in many peoples’ lives being ruined.
Can lotto/lottery proceeds please God? Many people claim to be playing the lottery or gambling so that they can give the money to the church or to some other good cause. While this may be a good motive, reality is that few use gambling winnings for godly purposes. Studies show that the vast majority of lottery winners are in an even worse financial situation a few years after winning a jackpot than they were before. Few, if any, truly give the money to a good cause. Further, God does not need our money to fund His mission in the world. Proverbs 13:11 says, “Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.” God is sovereign and will provide for the needs of the church through honest means. Would God be honored by receiving donated drug money or money stolen in a bank robbery? Of course not. Neither does God need or want money that was “stolen” from the poor in the temptation for riches.
First Timothy 6:10 tells us, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” Hebrews 13:5 declares, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” Matthew 6:24 proclaims, “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”
By jellymonty
I've always thought that as a christian gambling as a way to make money is against the principles of God. I used to gamble in casinos before and after I became a christian. I only gambled for fun and entertainment and now I am being tempted heavily to take up gambling as a sport. I'm not quiet sure if its right to gamble in casinos from a christian point of view? Can anyone explain to me if it's right or wrong? Thanks.
16 responses
@silverglint (2001)
24 Apr 09
Hi, I hope among the so many responses to your discussion you will be able to read this before you decide to start gambling. First of all, gambling is very addicting, once you start, you will have a hard time stopping the habit. I know of some young people whose mom is a gambler and all of them are suffering because she got so addicted to gambling that she sold their car, used up all their food and utilities money. They had to skip meals, make ways to survive without electricity.. I am not saying that you will be like that, all I am saying is that is how addicting gambling is. About gambling being in the Bible, no its not there, there is no specific verse about gambling. but everything belongs to God and everything that you have, even your life, came from God. So meaning we are only stewards of God's money. He entrusted it to us so that we can use it to generate more income, to meet our needs and to help others. Now if you were in God's place, would you be happy to see that someone is squandering away everything you gave him without care? In the Bible, there is a parable of the talents, people were entrusted talents and were expected to be productive. now the person who did not use the talent wisely was punished. Now, would you consider gambling to be something that is productive? Please reconsider. Ask for counsel and advice before you decide
You know now I feel a bit silly that I asked that question as I know all these scriptures but I didnt ever associate it with gambling. Thank you for your input. really has helped my reasoning. I don't think I'll be heading to roulette tables again..
@strawberrychocodahi (4822)
23 Apr 09
Hello JellyMonty, nice topic again. About your question, well for me i can say that Gambling is not the will of God for you. It does not match about what speaks of work ethics found in the Bible. God expects us to work for our money. “Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase,-Proverbs 13:11. “A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent- Proverbs 28 20. “Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth -Ephesians 4:28. We are not to increase our income by gambling. Gambling eliminates God as our Provider. Gambling robs God of the opportunity to provide for us. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus,” Philippians 4:19. You say, “Maybe I’ll win enough to buy some of the extra things I need.” “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you -Matthew 6:33. God wants us to look to Him for our provision, not to gambling. “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon,” Matthew 6:24. Gambling substitutes our God for another .Gambling promotes covetousness, gambling is addictive, it wastes money because it is a game of chance. I may never force you to believe but i am sure that God will speak into your heart about this.
• Philippines
good response, i learned from it. i would be hypocrite to say i dont gamble, in fact i bet on lotto once in a while, play bingo, once in a while. sometimes when you really dont have that much and you are in great need, you tend to look for chances.. considering the financial crisis today, no stable work, no business, so many bills to pay. betting on lotto or playing bingo may just help and solve all my money problems, if i win.. i know gambling (for money) is not of God, even if directly He didnt say not to gamble in the bible. so when i bet on lotto or play bingo, i dont ask 'God let me win' because, i know He dont approve of gambling.
well said strawberry. I never actually looked at it from that angle but you are most certainly right. Thank you for taking the time to respond. God Bless you.
• Philippines
@meandmy3 (2228)
24 Apr 09
here this really explains gambling in great detail and what the bible does and does not say. Why Christians believe it is wrong etc. While the Bible does not give us guidance toward not gambling or to gamble it does tell us that the root of all evil is money and in Proverbs 13:11 it tells us to stay away from get rich schemes. Then there are the other activities that come a long with gambling, drinking, the way the women are dressed and the environment of the casino itself. Good luck with your decision, Say some prayers and ask for guidance.
absolutely correct. I have done a lot of these get rich quick schemes and they have only made me lose money instead of earn more. so thank you for that. I will most certainly take your advice and strawberry's on board.. Thanks again xx
@macdingolinger (10409)
23 Apr 09
You will have a difficult time finding a scripture proving gambling right or wrong! However, I do think it might be under the 'not the wisest thing' list. Scripturally though, there are no scriptures condemning or condoning it. If you will recall, Jonah was selected by 'lot', a form of gambling to the modern world. So was Matthias chosen to replace Judas as an apostle. It will have to be something you decide for yourself. It's a heart matter. If you can not be addicted whereby you harm yourselves and others AND you heart does not condemn you.. go for it. If in your heart there's that nagging sense of wrongness. Then it's wrong for you. but only you can decide when there are not clearcut answers in scripture.
Hi Mac. that's a very comforting response! Oh definitely I would not intend to harm anyone. for me its purely to have fun and entertainment but you're right it is not the wisest thing to do.
@aidenw (632)
23 Apr 09
does it say anywhere in the bible that you should not gamble? or anything that alludes to it? i have been asking that question and so far no one has been able to answer it. if it's not in the bible why do many christians believe it's a sin? to me something is a 'sin' when it hurts others or yourself. so gambling in and of itself is not a sin. having said that, it deos have the potential to ruin your life (and your family's if you have one) if you get addicted to it, keep spending lots of money until you're financially ruined. so you have to know your own limits. if you think you could get addicted to gambling then you should stay away. otherwise, it would be perfectly fine to do it for fun and entertainment.
Hey aidenw, I guess your right its the same as the drinking question. There is no sentence in the bible that says thou shall not drink. It says you should not participate in drunkeness. so I guess when you go overboard thats when we classify it as sin. Thank you for your response.

Is Gambling A Sin Catholic

@drsenergy (159)
27 May 09
You can't find scripture in the Bible that says you shouldn't gamble and quite honestly there's nothing wrong with it. But as a Christian because gambling has such a bad stigma attached to it, i stay away from it because i don't want there to be any shadow on my testimony as a servant of Christ.
@joycemiranda (131)
8 May 09
don't even try it, you'll get hooked and it will be a chance for the devil to put or take you away from God, first you'll enjoy and later suffer all the consequences
@6precious102 (4052)
Is gambling a sin catholic
30 Apr 09
I don't remember reading anything in the Bible that says don't gamble, but it's one of those things that can lead to disaster if you're not in control of yourself. If you can take it or leave it, you're probably OK. But if you're having urges, maybe gambling has a hold on you and that can't possibly turn out good.
@sawatzky (69)
24 Apr 09
Well, the story of the talents and three servants comes to mind. When I think of gambling, and knowing that the house always wins, I wonder which of the servants I would be if I tried to make a living at (or sport of) gambling. They would probably have to add a fourth category of servant to the story. THere was the one who was given much, and he multiplied it much. There was the one that was given less, and in reture, made less, and there was the one that was given little, and he was so afraid of losing it that he buried it (put it in the bank) where it would be safe. To me gambling would be like taking your talents down to the darkest ally, and tossing them in the air until you got robbed. Definitely worse than the foolish servant that at least put his money in the ground till the master came home. I too would be lying if I said I never buy a lottery ticket or spend a couple of bucks in the slots.. but I consider that entertainment akin to watching a movie or buying those rip-off $5 birthday cards. The question is.. is spending this money glorifying the Lord. If not.. why are you doing it?
@wisan_jaya (127)
24 Apr 09
I do not wheter there is a rule in bible that do not allow christian to gamble or no. I am a buddhist. As i know, my religion do not really allow his people to gamble. I admit that i am really enjoy gambling. I am quite good in blackjack. But nowadays, i never gamble again since i have ever lose a lot of money. When i want to gamble, i will switch on my ps and play blackjack game. Haha.
@cheersbigears (36)
24 Apr 09
It depends how strict a Christian you are. As gambling does violate the New Testament ideas of stewardship.
@Sandra1952 (6052)
24 Apr 09
I think it's okay for anyone, Christian or not - to gamble, but I have reservations. If you apply the Christian principles of moderation in all things and respect for yourself and others, and can honestly say your gambling is under control and is for fun and entertainment, with the hope of a win at some stage, I see no problem. However, if your gambling has reached the stage where it is a problem to yourself and others - say if you are gambling away the household budget or neglecting important things in favour of gambling - this is a different matter altogether. Is it threatening your relationships? Are you in danger of losing your job, home and/or possessions? Is worry about your gambling affecting your health and sleep patterns? If the answer to any of these questions is 'yes' or even 'maybe,' gambling is wrong for you, Christian or not. If you can't stop on your own, get help now.
@srmailtosr (426)

Why Gambling Is A Sin

24 Apr 09
@puneetchhokra (214)

Is Casino Gambling Sin Got Questions

24 Apr 09
No never but what to do if we live in that kind of society where there is this is a status symbol not meas only playing card is gambeling if u do any kind of work which is non related to u..We should not do..
@barehugs (8984)
24 Apr 09

Is Casino Gambling A Sin

Everything you do in this life is a Gamble. When you go to bed at night you are gambling that you will be able to get up in the morning. When you get up, its a Gamble whither or not you will live through the day. Right and wrong are not carved in stone. 25 years ago it was wrong to be Homosexual, today some of our most influential citizens are Gay. 20 years ago it was wrong the eat red meat on Friday. Today everybody does it. Christianity is very flexible as far as right and wrong is concerned. Roman Catholics can buy their was into heaven, and (trust me) the Priest or Bishop is not going to ask the Sinner how he came by this Money.
@maezee (39821)
23 Apr 09

Gambling Is A Sin

So long as it's done in a responsible way, I don't see why not. Obviously, being addicted to gambling is something that you want to avoid - no matter WHAT religious affiliation you belong to. Everything's good in moderation, and just because you're Christian, doesn't mean you necessarily have to follow life 'by the book' (not that it says anything in it about gambling ANYWAY, but still).